The ViMarketing! team has developed a modern logo for the school of sailing of Georgy Ivanovich Shayduko - the Russian yachtsman, the Honoured Master of Sports, the runner-up of the Olympic Games. The agency had a task to develop a visual symbol which would help to expand the base of pupils, spark the interest of young audience, and which also would become a means of expression of the democratic character and attractiveness of the sail. Yachting promptly gets rid of the image of an elite sport, showing the availability to a wider audience. All this should be shown in a new symbol of the school.
ViMarketing! developed a logo, which basis was formed by the pennon which was originally the attribute of symbolics of the naval forces. Today, it is an integral element of any sailing association, and also a sign of numerous victories and long-term experience. The laconic logo is executed by means of modern visual techniques, it is clear to both young and more skilled audience, it reveals the spirit of fight peculiar to sailing.